5 Reasons Why Summer is THE Best Time to Move

Moving can be difficult, however, moving over
the Summer can be the THE Best time to move.
1. The kids are out of school, so you will not be taking them away from their friends they see every day. You can make the move exciting for them, get them focused on where their new room is, the great friends they will meet, and how much fun they will have. Get them involved and allow them to help where they can. You will all enjoy it.
2. There is more inventory on the market during the summer. This means you you have more options on homes to choose from.
3. The days are longer. More sunlight means more time to get things done early in the morning or late in the evening. This is so much easier than when it gets dark around 5:00
4. If you are selling your home, there are more people out looking for a home to buy, this means you have a greater probability of getting your home sold.
5. If you or a familiy member is looking for a job, Summer is the peak of the hiring season as well. More jobs means more opportunity if a family member will need a new job.
Before doing anything, make sure you will be able to be Pre Approved for a home mortgage. It does not cost you anything, and Pre Approval is the minimum standard now for a seller to even take your offer into consideration. To get Pre Approved Fast, click this link. APPLY NOW
Marcel Deitrich NMLS #231135
Branch Manager
Guaranteed Rate NMLSR #2611
9300 John Hickman Parkway STE #602
Frisco, TX 75035
Rate.com/marcel Deitrich